Youth and Holiday Centre Vasatokka is a hostel-rated resort located in the heart of Northern Lapland’s amazing countryside and ancient Sámi culture. Wilderness areas, rivers and crystal clear waters topped off with the local easy-going lifestyle will leave its mark on you for a lifetime.
Vasatokka provides accommodation options from hostel rated low budget rooms to nice and cozy holiday cabins. All our facilities located right on the shore of lake Muddusjärvi.
We´ll offer activities all round year, mostly for bigger groups but for smaller groups it´s also possible.
Camp schools, international camps, group work days for schools, nature camps and small meetings and parties are arranged at the Youth Centre Vasatokka. We also wishes warmly welcome travellers from all around the world.

Enjoy the nature of Lapland
We are located 10 km from Inari, in a small village called Riutula. The nearest airport (IVALO) is 60km from our center. There is no public transport to Vasatokka. The nearest bus stops in Inari and nearest car rental offices are in Ivalo (50km). So you´ll need a car to get here or take a taxi from Inari. Nearest shops and restaurants are also in Inari. You´ll find more useful information from here: INFO / FAQ
Working to benefit children and youth
Finland’s nationwide network of Youth Centres is entrusted with the non-profit civic responsibility of promoting a good life for children and young people. Finnish Youth Centres specialize in providing a safe and nurturing operating environment for young people to experience, learn, and have adventures that encourage personal growth. Our knowledge of young people and developmental expertise support youth participation and aid in their growth and development towards active citizenship. This knowledge is not only founded on years of experience working with young people, but also successful cooperation with municipalities, school and various organizations, in addition to our special status as a partner to the Ministry of Education in the administration of government youth policy.