There are 5 cabins located on the shore of Lake Muddusjärvi. Two cabins are equipped for disabled persons. The total capacity of the cabins is 41 persons.
Restaurant is located in the main building of Vasatokka. The restaurant has seats for 120 guests. Meals are served only for groups (min 15 persons) and by request.

Sports hall
Vasatokka completed its own sports hall in November 2013. The hall enables games, parties, events and climbing for locals and tourists alike. Available for 15€/hour
Vasatokka has a lakeside sauna and a sauna lounge with a fireplace. Sauna has separate sections for men and women.
Price 8€/person/hour, minimum fee 20€

A classroom/meeting room Lapin Tupa for 60 persons. Equipped with data projector and wlan.
Price 35€ / 1-4 hours
Vasatokka has 3 different fireplaces: Rantalaavu (lean-to), Niesta (a hut), and Kettulampi (lean-to).
Price 20€ / 1-4 hours

Vasatokka offers individual guests various outdoor equipments for rent and information about possible activities and attractions.